As part of your Wedding MC Duties at the wedding reception you might be tempted to use notecards for your material.
They’re definitely handy to use but more appropriate for a wedding speech.
I suggest, instead, that your material for the wedding reception be printed out on letter size paper and that you number your pages.
Then place the pages in a three ring binder or folder.
If necessary, insert tabs for separate events so you can refer to them quickly and easily.
Keep in mind that your “notebook” will contain the order of events at the reception, your Wedding MC Scripts, reception games, and more so you want to make sure you have everything readily available and easily accessible.
If you’re using a laptop computer for your material at the reception, be sure to print out the wedding reception agenda (run sheet) and other notes you’ll need in case the laptop crashes.
If that happens – and sometimes it does – and you’ve been relying solely on your computer you’ll have trouble directing the wedding reception which could spoil the reception for the bride and groom.